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Member Benefits:


TERC is recognized all over the world. As a member (individual or team) you can attend challenges/competitions that are held mainly in the US and Canada. Some focus on the word “competition,”these challenges are truly educational events that may be local, regional, national, or international. Where else can an American rescue personnel gain insight into how a rescue team manages a Motor Vehicle Accident in Sweden, Great Britain, or Canada in the same weekend, see how 30 different car accident scenarios are managed and mitigated.

What does TERC have to offer? It is the way we present our challenges and trainings to the members. Most firefighters train in extrication with vehicles on all 4 wheels down and go through all the basic evolutions, pop a door, push a dash, remove a roof, third door, etc. what we offer is real life accident scenarios. That’s what sets us apart from the mundane training, we offer complex, scenario based training. You can train anyone to pop a door, but, we train them to think which is the best, safest, most efficient way to extricate a patient, plus it’s not just extrication, its scene size-up, scene safety, stabilization, glass management, incident command, time management, patient safety, vehicle hazards, new vehicle technology etc

Train and learn from some of the nations top auto extrication specialists. See the latest innovations from auto extrication tool manufacturer's. Keep current with new vehicle technology and new vehicle materials. ‘Network” with brother firefighters from all over the world. “Live” patients provide real feedback to rescuers at our challenges.


Your $25.00 annual Member fee or $150.00 Team fee will allow you to nominate and vote on elected positions in the TERC USA organization and offers discounted rates for trainings and seminars provided by the organization.


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