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Most firefighters train in extrication with vehicles on all 4 wheels down and go through all the basic evolutions, pop a door, push a dash, remove a roof, create a  third door, etc.  What TERC offers is "complex" real life accident scenarios which is what sets us apart from the mundane training.  "Live" patients in our scenarios provide realtime feeback to the rescuers and props are used to simulate hazards you find out in the real world.  You can train anyone to pop a door, but, we train them to think which is the best, safest, most efficient way to extricate a patient, plus it’s not just extrication, its scene size-up, scene safety, vehicle stabilization, glass management, incident command, time management, patient safety, vehicle hazards, and new vehicle technology.

Train and learn from some of the World's top auto extrication specialists from around the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and Sweden. See the latest innovations from auto extrication tool manufacturer's and keep current with new vehicle technology and new vehicle materials. These challenges allow you to ‘Network” with brother firefighters from all over the world and gain insight and learn new techniques to bring back to your Department.

Limited Pit



During the Limited Scenario, each team is given a total of 20 minutes to work using only hand and pneumatic tools (air chisels, sawzalls, hand operated hydraulics).  Props can be used to simulate downed wires or fuel hazards, and concrete fixtures such as highway dividers can be used to block access into the vehicle making the teams "Think" of the safest and most effective way of removing the patient. Depending on the Competition a "Live" patient is usually present in the vehicle providing real feedback to the rescuer's.

Unlimited Pit



During the Unimited Scenario, each team is given a total of 20 minutes to work using all available hand and heavy hydraulic tools (jaws of life). Complex scenarios are usually found during this event using multiple cars, props or concrete fixtures which will result in a "Mannequin" being used but is wired with microphones the medical judge can hear the dialog being given by the rescuers.

Rapid Pit



During the Rapid Scenario, each team is given a total of 10 minutes and an identical scenario all around.  During this time all hand and heavy hydraulic tools are allowed and a "Live" victim is present in the car.  After a few minutes the live patient will simulate a rapid decline in health and rescue crews must work quickly and safely to extricate the victim. Again props can be used to simulate different scenarios to allow the teams to explore other options to extricate the patient.

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